About Rock my Sleep

High quality music boxes of a special kind!
Here design, functionality and an incomparable music selection are combined to give your child sweet dreams.

When the founder Micah became a father, he was given three music boxes as a gift for the birth of his son. A product that remained unchanged for decades, so that all three music boxes played LaLeLu on continuous loop and drove Michael crazy in the long run. He wanted to change that for the better experience of all parents and children! And that’s how he came up with the idea of Rock my Sleep music boxes.

Instead of rattling sounds and continuous loop of a classical piece of music, Rock my Sleep music boxes in the form of cuddly toys playcover versions of rock, pop and hip-hop hits. Without electric guitar and rock tube, but with harp, marimba and birdsong for the little ones. The selection is constantly expanding, as well as you can have your individual wish song produced as a lullaby. Four different cuddly toys are available as a music box.

As a result, the start-up has now satisfied over 8,000 customers and continues to grow exponentially.

Rock my sleep in numbers

Financing to date with fulfin
Total financing
0 K
Increase in turnover
0 %

The Challenge: Bottleneck in the Advance Financing of Goods

Die innovativen Spieluhren sind mit einer kapitalintensiven Produktion verbunden. Als Bootstrap-Unternehmen reichte kleiner Startkredit daher nicht aus, um die Mindestbestellmengen der exklusiven Spieluhren auf Dauer zu decken. Vor allem, da die Ware bereits im Voraus bezahlt werden musste, sobald sie auf das Schiff ging.  So entstand eine finanzielle Durststrecke, da bis zur Lieferung noch  mehreren Monaten vergehen konnten.  Rock my Sleep brauchte dringend einen Partner, der Ihnen half bei einer schnellen Finanzierungslösung half, damit keine langanhaltenden Cashflow Schwierigkeiten entstanden. 

Michael Heimrich

Founder, Rock my Sleep

“Das Tolle ist, dass man die Anfrage von Zuhause machen kann und innerhalb von wenigen Minuten oder Stunden die Entscheidung und die Höhe der Finanzierung erhält. Die Einbindungen sind sehr einfach gestaltet”

The solution: growth financing from fulfin

Thanks to fulfin’s easy and quickly accessible financing , Rock my Sleep already raised two growth financings in the course of six months.

The financing enabled the start-up to respond to increasing demand without delay, to finance exclusive production and to increase the company’s revenues by 180% in just half a year.