Foundation: Beginning of 2020
A stroller that you use for exactly as long as you really need it – that’s StrollMe. The first stroller sharing platform in Germany!
The two founders and newly fathers Sebastian and Timon once faced (like almost all parents) the overwhelming, yet very important question of the right stroller model for their children. At the same time, it was important to both of them to leave their offspring a world worth living in. The idea of a stroller sharing platform was born and thus StrollMe was founded.
In the spirit of sustainability and the long life cycle of the product, StrollMe started with the most sustainable stroller in the world, the Greentom . The range was quickly expanded, and other brands such as Bugaboo, Thule, Babyzen,etc. were added. StrollMe is always working to offer parents flexible access to sustainable child mobility at a reasonable price. As a result, in addition to baby carriages, also Children’s bicycles as well as bicycle trailers offered. More than 10,000 customers now have an active subscription to StrollMe.
Als Pionier in Sache nachhaltiger Kinder-Mobilität durch Abo-Modell traf StrollMe auf ein großes Interesse und eine steigende Nachfrage. Um dem nachzukommen, bedürfte es allerdings einem hohen Ankauf der Produkte, um sie dann an die Kunden zu vermieten. Außerdem wurde mehr Budget für Marketingkampagnen benötigt. StrollMe begann nach einer externen Finanzierung zu suchen.
Hier kam fulfin ins Spiel.
Sebastian Reichelt
Founder, StrollMe
"fulfin überzeugte mich durch: unkomplizierte Arbeitsweise, based in München, große Vertrauensbasis und ein unschlagbares Angebot”
After intensive research, the founders of StrollMe decided to seek growth financing from fulfin. With the help of two loans, they were able to significantly increase the variety and number of products. In addition, the budget was used for marketing costs, resulting in an effective increase in awareness and, as a result, even more active customers using StrollMe.