Product research for Amazon merchants

We are confronted with a wide variety of products or product ideas every day. However, not all of them are suitable for sale on Amazon. Since the right product selection is the first important step to a successful FBA business, more effort should be put into this than a quick Google search. Furthermore, aspects such as photographability, marketing costs, competing products, seasonality and many other things should be considered right at the beginning of the research, so that these do not only come to light after the products have been purchased and unnecessarily complicate the sale. We have summarized the best methods for product research for Amazon Your Business here:

Product research for Amazon merchants via the product curator

If you don’t want to put in the effort yourself to find products that work well in sales, this can be done by others. So there are many different websites, blogs or magazines that curate well performing (trendy) products. When comparing this with the Amazon product selection, it can be determined which product is not yet (sufficiently) offered on Amazon.

Product research for Amazon merchants via the review method

In addition, the reviews left on Amazon can be very informative. After all, customers often criticize the same thing about a product over and over again. If a product can be found that does not have this deficiency, a successful niche can be created for it.

Product research for Amazon merchants via the accessories method

Often the focus is too much on the main product and it is forgotten that supplementary products or accessories can also be useful Amazon products. For this purpose, well running products should be searched for on Amazon to then determine whether there are sufficient supplementary products or accessories for this.

Product research for Amazon merchants via the brainstorming method

This is perhaps the most banal, but often very effective method. For this, simply invest 20-30 minutes of time and list things that you are currently interested in/enthusiastic about. The AMZ Seller Browser can then be used to start the search on Amazon for these products. For this purpose, the Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR) should be looked at (chronologically ordered). With this tool, you can estimate sales well and choose a product that is already on the market, but not yet sufficiently well optimized on Amazon.

Product research for Amazon merchants about Jungle Scout

Product research via Jungle Scout or similar platforms are the classic: Jungle Scout shows you the necessary key figures for the products displayed in the respective browser view. You can then click through further and further via “Related products” until you arrive at a viable product idea. Marketplace Analytics or ASINspector work in a similar way.

It follows: Testing.

Once you have found a product that you think will sell well using these methods, you are almost there. Now it’s called testing. Go through the following checklist and make sure you don’t answer “no” to any of these questions. If you answer one or more questions with no, it might not be the right product yet. If you answer “YES” to all questions, your research has produced a viable product.

1) The sale of the product leads to disproportionate costs. YES/NO

2) It is a trend product whose peek has already been reached (competition is too great). YES/NO

3) It is a seasonal product. YES/NO

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